Omaha Sanitary and Improvement District Lawyers
Croker Huck Law Firm is recognized as a premier law firm in the area of real estate development in the Greater Omaha Metropolitan area, specifically in the area of sanitary and improvement districts, also known as SIDs. John Delehant, a former partner of Croker Huck‘s founders, Richard Croker and Robert Huck, was one of the drafters of the legislation that provided for the creation of SIDs in Nebraska, which were and are the catalysts for the growth and expansion of the Greater Omaha metropolitan area as well as other parts of greater Nebraska.
What is a Sanitary and Improvement District?
The laws by which SIDs are formed and governed are unique to Nebraska. The owner of real estate that is not located within the boundaries of a city or other municipality who wants to develop the property will form the SID which constructs and maintains the public improvements located within residential, commercial and industrial developments and subdivisions, including the streets, sanitary sewers, water systems, other utility services, sidewalks and parks. The SID issues tax-free warrants and bonds to pay for the public improvements, which are purchased by investors. The warrants and bonds are paid through the special assessments and general taxes levied by the SID on the property benefited by the public improvements. Our firm represents the developer and SID through all stages of development from initial planning and formations stages through the construction of the public improvements by the district until it is ultimately annexed by the local city or other municipality.
Experienced Nebraska SID Attorneys
Croker Huck and our predecessors have been involved in the formation and representation of over 100 SIDs in Nebraska since the legislation providing for SIDs was adopted in the 1940s, including the formation of SIDs for lake developments and other subdivisions in greater Nebraska. The SID is an effective tool for financing the development of real estate and the construction of public improvements in Nebraska and SIDs have been instrumental in the economic growth in Nebraska. Croker Huck has been involved in this area of the law since its inception and it attorneys have the knowledge and expertise to guide its clients through the real estate development process.
Knowledgeable SID Attorneys
For experienced representation for SID’s, call Omaha’s Sanitary and Improvement District attorneys at Croker Huck Law Firm at 402-391-6777, or write us using this online form.